"It is all about programming! Over the last few years we have noticed worrisome trends in CS education. The following represents a summary of those trends:
- Mathematics requirements in CS programs are shrinking.
- The development of programming skills in several languages is giving way to cookbook approaches using large libraries and special-purpose packages.
- The resulting set of skills is insufficient for today’s software industry (in particular for safety and security purposes) and, unfortunately, matches well what the outsourcing industry can offer. We are training easily replaceable professionals.
These trends are visible in the latest curriculum recommendations from the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Curriculum 2005 does not mention mathematical prerequisites at all, and it mentions only one course in the theory of programming languages"
Отсюда. (Дискуссия на lambda-the-ultimate). Релевантно донельзя.
Ужель это тот самый курикулум поминается, про который Терехов говорить любит?
Мне кажется именно он!
Слава Богу, в KULeuven всё не так плохо
(по-голландски :-))
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