Thursday, May 22, 2008

/. on Marriage

MosesJones (55544):
My least favourite navigation approach is the retro-active navigation favoured by my beloved spouse it is like a SatNav but the phrases are:
"Why didn't you turn off earlier to avoid this traffic?"
"Why didn't we leave early to avoid this weather?"
"If we had left yesterday we would have missed this"

Anonymous Coward:
The obvious retort :
"Why didn't you suggest that earlier/yesterday [when it might have actually been useful]?"
"If you expected bad traffic, why didn't you tell me?"
"If you expected bad weather, why didn't you tell me?"
"If we had won the lotto yesterday, we wouldn't care" (or any similarly inane response)
It may not be effective on first attempt, but after you've trained her to expect these responses every time, it may start to work.

nizo (81281):
I think I saw those exact recommendations in the book, Initiating Divorce Proceedings in 10 Easy Steps.


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